Episode 43: Endings and Beginnings

Episode 43: Endings and Beginnings

No Dragons Press

Episode 43: “Endings and Beginnings”

Show Notes for Episode 43

These are the show notes from No Dragons Press: Episode 43. Enjoy and thanks!



OK, wow. Here we are, you guys. This is episode 43, the final episode in season one of No Dragons Press: A HIGH FANTASY Fiction Podcast. Well, shit.

Seriously, we’ve come a long way together, and I want to thank each and every one of you who’s been following along and made it to the end with me. Just know how much I appreciate each and every one of you.

Alright guys, ready for it? Here is everything you need to know about how to keep in touch and how to make sure you don’t miss the beginning of the next season! (And don’t worry—as always, you can find all the links to everything I mention in today’s episode at nodragonspress.com/podcast.)

No Dragons Press Podcast: Season Two

If you’re already subscribed wherever you listen to No Dragons Press and you’re getting alerts when I post a new show, you’re all set—just stay subscribed, and when I release the next episode, you’ll literally be the first to know. I might even send out a mid-season-break update to let you know how it’s going and what to expect.

If you’re not subscribed, if you’ve been finding the show manually each time or you’re listening on the website, or you just check back it’s super easy—just hit subscribe in whatever app or program you like, or if you’re at nodragonspress.com, you can enter your email address in the sidebar and you will be notified when I post the show notes to a new episode or any other posts.

No Dragons Press: Book 1

Guys. Can you believe it—I’m finished with the entire book? That’s nutballs. Wow. So, the plan is to release this as a e-book, like, pretty soon here, or relatively soon anyway, then release a super amazing print book containing all the amazing illustrations by Emily Ruf. You guys are going to love it, it’s going to be totally gorgeous. We’re really excited.

In the meantime, I think I’m going to compile all of the story portion of the season of the podcast into an audiobook and make it available from my website. I want you guys to have easy access to it in case you want to listen again, and I want to make it super easy for you to listen to just the story, without the show intros and everything, but I also want the opportunity to make a little bit of money from this.

So, I think the best way for me to do that is by donation. That way you guys can just grab the files for free and anyone who wants to pay a little something for it can do that, and basically we can all have everything we want. How cool is that?

It’s not quite ready yet, but keep an eye on nodragonspress.com or sign up for my mailing list. I’ll only send things out when I have news, I’m not gonna blast you every week or anything. I’ll also be adding a few other goodies for you to get your hands on, so definitely check back.


You haven’t heard me mentioning Patreon in a while, and that’s because I’m kind of taking a step back from it for this podcast. I’m going to leave the $1 and $2 levels for now, but I’m taking off that higher top tier.

Sending something out in the mail every month was a lot of fun, but it’s kind of unsustainable right now while I’m not even posting new episodes, and I just think it makes sense to pull back from it for a while. I’ll keep you guys posted on what I decide to do when I start up the episodes again, but for now, there are no rewards, just the internal reward of helping out your ol’ pal Maggie.

That said, if you do want to donate a buck or two a month toward hosting fees, you’re totally still welcome to do that; even if I’m not updating the podcast, I definitely don’t plan to take it down or anything. I’m going to be whipping book 2 into shape as soon as possible regardless, but it’s always nice motivation-wise to have that extra show of support.

Or, you know, just hang out and wait until I’ve got something to show for it, that works too. Seriously. Whatever feels right.

Ascraeus Press/Illustrated Fiction by Emily Ruf

I bet you were wondering when I was going to get around to mentioning this! So, we were originally going to publish a new chapter with new artwork by Emily every week but as you know, that got unsustainable real fast.

I mean, all I really had to do on www.ascraeuspress.com every week was run each chapter through some final editing and then post the thing; Emily was coming up with brand new works of art, from scratch, and she was spending just a ton of time on each one. She still is, which is why they aren’t happening as fast as we initially thought they would. Which is totally fine.

So, while I’m working on book 2, Emily is going to be working on finishing the illustrations for book 1. We’ll be updating the blog at ascraeuspress.com, and like I mentioned earlier, when we’re finished, we’re going to have so much fun putting it all together for you. Seriously, it’s totally amazing to see how all of this has come together, and we’re really excited to keep adding to the collection and getting some cool stuff ready for your hands.

In the meantime, definitely check out Emily’s website at ruftimes.com, that’s R-U-F-TIMES. She’s got some amazing limited edition prints for sale, and she’s got a lot of other really amazing projects that you definitely want to take a look at. I’m looking forward to a ton more awesome stuff from her.

Progressive Rock/@progmaggie

So! Final note on the prog rock thing. I KNOW. Several of you have asked me about some of the music I’ve mentioned over the course of the podcast, which is totally amazing, and it’s giving me a lot of great ideas for resources and information I can put together for you. I’m definitely going to have a few announcements coming up about how I plan to expand that area of my life.

In the meantime, seriously, if you have been interested in the music I’ve been listening to (or that Addie listens to, for that matter) and you want to learn more or you want to keep following my musical discoveries and adventures, now is definitely the time to follow @progmaggie on Instagram. It’s the end of June now, and seriously guys, I’ve got a ton of great shows coming up this summer, and I’m really planning to up my social media game as far as bringing you guys along on my musical adventures.

So definitely keep an eye on that Instagram account for special announcements and all kinds of exclusive access to cool stuff—some of it’s only going to be available for a limited time, and you don’t want to miss it. I’d love to see you there.

(And you know, you don’t strictly need an Instagram account to take a look, just go to instagram.com/progmaggie —but I bet once you see how much fun we’re all having over there, you sign up for an account of you own. Seriously, the progressive rock Instagram community is amazing.)

OR, if you forget every single thing I just told you that’s fine—just make sure to subscribe to this podcast wherever you listen or sign up for my mailing list at nodragonspress.com/podcast, and you’ll be the first to know when the book and other merch is available, the @nodragonspress Instagram account starts getting awesome, whenever other cool shit happens.

Whew! Okay, I know that was a ton to throw at you, I just want to make sure to leave you with everything you need while I’m off plugging away at book 2!

That’s it from me for now, so please enjoy the final chapter, Endings and Beginnings, and the epilogue to No Dragons Press: Book 1, and thank you for being here.

That’s it, everyone. We’ve reached the end of book 1, and it’s time to say goodbye for a little while. Remember to keep an eye on nodragonspress.com/podcast, I’ll make sure to give you guys all the links and information you need to stay informed and keep in contact.

And remember to be kind to each other. Everyone has a story, even if they don’t look like you, or sound like you, or think like you, and the only way we’re all going to make it is if we all keep listening to each other. Let’s mourn each other’s losses and embrace each other’s successes, and if we all let that attitude inform the choices we make every day, we’re all going to be just fine.

Thanks so much, everyone. I’ll talk to you soon. In the meantime, don’t be a stranger!

Want to know when Season 2 starts?

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