Episode 39: The Secrets of the Bluffs

Episode 39: The Secrets of the Bluffs

No Dragons Press

Episode 39: “The Secrets of the Bluffs”

Show Notes for Episode 39

Hey, everyone! I hope you’ve been well.

Hey, so quick announcement. When I first started this whole No Dragons Press thing, I was kind of new to social media in general, at least as any like actual targeted thing beyond cat videos and shit like that, and while I started trying to kind of chronicle the adventures of a new author, podcasting for the first time and all of that—but at least in Instagram’s case, the focus really took a turn away from the writing and podcasting thing and toward my other great love, which is vintage progressive rock.

In the beginning I thought you know, these guys are totally going to come with me on this, and maybe they’ll learn a little bit about music they might like that no one else is really talking about, and blah blah blah—yeah, I really appreciate you guys for humoring me and being awesome, but it is officially time to stop subjecting you to whatever random shit I feel like talking about and time to focus a little more on actual story-related stuff.

So, I thought a good first step in that direction would be to separate the two projects into different accounts. You know, writing a book and recording a podcast really aren’t very visual activities, so it’s kind of hard to stay on topic with an Instagram account when I just get so excited about things like live shows and album art and instruments and things that make so much more sense to photograph and share than yet another shot of my weird closet home studio.

Anyway, here’s the story: if you’ve been following @nodragonspress on Instagram, and you’re listening to this now, you’re now following @progmaggie. And yes, that’s prog like the rock, not Prague like the city, you goofballs. So if you’re already following and you’re fine with how things are going, that’s fantastic, nothing is really going to change about my account—you’re just going to see me clicking around under a different handle.

For the rest of you, I’m telling you guys this because @nodragonspress is now a new account that you will actually have to find and follow again, if you were following the account that is now @progmaggie. But don’t worry about that now, at the time of this podcast in the beginning of May 2017, there isn’t really anything going on there, I’m just letting you know what happened with the handle because it’s weird when shit comes out of nowhere like that.

Honestly, my priority right now is you guys, finishing up Book 1 for you so I stop holding you in suspense, so go ahead if you want and find me for actual book- and podcast-related stuff @nodragonspress, but don’t expect anything interesting for a while until I figure my shit out. I’ll totally let you know.

And you know, if this is super weird—I don’t know, I’ve never done any of this before, and those of you listening to season 1 while it’s still happening, my super early listeners: I really appreciate your support as I fumble my way through all of this. I just hope you’re enjoying the story and that you understand that if some things take a little longer than I want them to, like posting another episode because I realize the chapter I wanted to record is in complete shambles and I suddenly have to rework the thing—it’s because I really want to do a good job for you. You’re really the first people to hear some of this, and I really want to respect that by having everything as polished as I can before you do. You’ve all been awesome.

So! I’m going to leave the rest of the updates for next time and jump right into the story. Holy shit you guys, this is Chapter 39, and the ending is like right around the corner, so let’s get on with it! Enjoy chapter 39, The Secrets of the Bluffs.

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