Episode 26: Addie Is Wrong

Episode 26: Addie Is Wrong

No Dragons Press

Episode 13: “Bad News and Good News”

Show Notes for Episode 26

Hey everyone! And I’m actually recording this episode a few days ahead of time, so it feels a little weird talking to the future as if we don’t have this huge temporal gap between us. I know it doesn’t really matter, it’s not like you can’t listen to any episode of No Dragons Press at any time, but I dunno, I never really do it like that for the intro.

So, anyway:

Greetings to the future!

This episode should be airing somewhere around Monday, December 25th, and it’s the last one for the year!

So, let’s talk a little bit about what 2017 means for No Dragons Press.

First of all, I’m not 100% confident I won’t still combine or break apart chapters moving forward if I feel that I need to. (Even though I’ve edited this thing like crazy, I always go through each chapter one last time to make sure everything makes sense and flows well and change anything that still needs to be changed.)

4:20: More than just a pot smoker’s holiday

So I did some counting, and it looks like after this week’s episode, we’ve got about nineteen chapters left in book 1 to work through. Now, I was kind of shooting to wrap up book 1 somewhere around April 20th 2017 just because that sounds fun, and honestly I haven’t looked at a calendar to confirm this yet, but it kind of sounds like I’m right on the nuts right now.

I’m not totally sure what this all means just yet, but you can bet we’re gonna be celebrating this year’s national smoker’s holiday with some sort of giveaway or prize. I’d really kind of like it if that involved a published book you guys can hold in your hands, but we’ll see what happens.

…any book cover designers listening?

Incidentally, if I’ve got any book cover designers listening, and it isn’t too far into 2017 when you hear this, definitely shoot me an email with a link to some of your stuff, and if it fits with what I’m thinking, maybe we can work something out. I could really use some help, and I feel like it’s going to be the easiest for me to work with someone super familiar with the story already, so I don’t have to try to explain everything. If you think that might be you or someone you know, I’d love to hear from you.

New podcast about progressive rock

Something else that’s really exciting: I’m going to be starting a new podcast! It’s not going to be fiction. I’m actually going to be talking about the music I love, which is 70s progressive rock.

I feel like I talk about it enough anyway, and I have all this podcast gear now, and I have a lot of really interesting friends, a lot of whom are a little bit older than me and have actual memories of being around for some of this stuff, and a lot of whom are more or less my age and, like me, have to try to imagine what it must have been like to hear some of this stuff for the very first time and are still just piecing it all together.

Anyway, I think it’ll be a lot of fun, and I’m really looking forward to it!

…any graphic designers listening?

Actually, if I have any just general graphic designers out there, since this isn’t going to have anything to do with No Dragons Press, I really don’t want it to look anything like it, so where I would usually ask Emily Ruf, who has done not just the No Dragons Press illustrations but all of my amazing logos so far, I figured I’d just throw it out here for you guys. Basically I want a road leading toward a big ol’ seventies prog sunburst—check out the cover of Wishbone Ash Live Dates and you’ll see where I’m going with this:

70s progressive rock: Wishbone Ash: Live Dates

Wishbone Ash: Live Dates

(Oh, and then listen to Live Dates, because it’s maybe the best Wishbone Ash record. Which is exactly the sort of thing I’ll be talking about on the new podcast. Stay tuned.) Definitely send me an email at nodragonspress [at] gmail.com [or use my contact form] if you’re interested in helping out.

That’s it from me!

I hope you enjoy: “Chapter 26: Addie Is Wrong.”


Thanks for listening, everyone. I had a lot of fun with this one, I hope you guys enjoyed it.

And that’s it for the year! Stay safe, everybody. 2016 was a rough one, and 2017 is going to be all about staying strong, looking out for each other, and lifting each other up. Keep checking your facts, stay engaged and empathetic, do not shut down. We’re all in this together, OK?

Thanks everyone. Take care, be well, have a happy and safe New Years, and I’ll see you next time.

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